In business, especially when you start, it can be a case of desperately getting the money in. No attention is paid to the long term planning.
In our recent business review we identified e-commerce (via our own web sites) as a critical component of our long term growth. As we set our goals and budgets for the coming month, we tended to focus more on that side of the business and didn’t allocate as many resources (i.e. marketing money) to other parts of the business.
It soon becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy.
And that’s how a business can easily structure itself for long term growth.
I was reading the newspaper today when I came across some research that indicated that the British Internet shopping market grew by 36% last year (grossing $12 billion).
For the first time women are spending more than men. And spending by those over 55 increased by 130% to $2.2 billion.
All the signs are there that e-commerce is here to stay. How will it look in 10 years time? What can you do now to take advantage of this very obvious trend?
Take a long term view
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