Matching your marketing to your market

by Brendon on April 2, 2005

This blog came to mind because of some emails from John. John and I have started reviewing some copywriting for his business.
John came up with some fantastic headlines, one of which was something like:
“We told our supplier to GET STUFFED!”
I love those sort of headlines. In your face, provocative and usually amusing. But, unfortunately they don’t often work.
You see, there are some different people out there in the world. The main reason you are reading this (if you read regularly) is because you are a no BS sort of person, you are successful, you are a decision maker and you get things done with no fuss.
And when we researched our ‘best’ clients (in terms of great to work with and profitability (for both of us!)), we found that the sort of profile described above was our best client. And that’s why our marketing is generally simple, plain, no BS – just the facts.
Because that’s the sort of marketing that attracts our best clients.
Tailor your marketing to meet your market. It can be tricky to identify exactly what it needs to be, but it’s worth spending some time on it. If you get it right it can mean terrific success.
Now BUZZ OFF dopey!!!! Just kidding!! 😉

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