Do I Make This Stuff Up?!

by Brendon on April 1, 2005

I get a few emails through where people ask me if I make stuff up that’s on this and the Tailored web site.
Easy answer – Nope. Everything I write is 100% true.
At the risk of sounding like I’m trying to promote my fantastic e-book on using public speaking to generate quality leads (which, by the way, is here!) – someone emailed me yesterday and asked if public speaking was truly effective.
Here’s some numbers for you.
Last week I gave a speech to 25 businesspeople. I’ve quoted on 3 small jobs totally just over $15,000.
Last night I spoke to 12 Rotary Club members – from that I have 3 very strong leads (they came and chatted after the speech, gave me their business cards and asked me to contact them about redoing/doing their web sites).
Yes, public speaking works and it works better than just about anything.

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