It’s the little things that count

by Brendon on April 8, 2005

One of the local newspapers here is doing a story on our web division. The photographer was just here a minute ago to grab a photo to run with the story.
We had to make a quick decision on who would be photographed and in what context.
After a quick discussion it was decided to have Jo and I in the photo.
That decision was based on this:
1. Our target market is generally my age (I’m 38 – 39 on November 21 if you want to send me a large gift!) – or a little older. My age provides some degree of “They have experience” thinking.
2. We have a fairly even mix of male and female clients. Having Jo in the photo (and seated) gives her the credibility as someone of authority in the office. Many people perceive the younger Jo as being more ‘cutting edge’ in design and that’s often a positive.
3. Many of our competitors in web development run their businesses from home. Many of our market perceive offices as providing a greater degree of professionalism. The photo was taken in our boardroom.
4. Perceived risk – how could we reduce it (Photo: I’m wearing a nice shirt with cufflinks, and a sports coat that is buttoned. Jo is sitting at the boardroom table with a laptop open, I am standing beside her. Jo’s chair is a high-back leather chair.
What that tells the viewer is:
a) We have a boardroom – means we have offices.
b) We dress well – first impressions are critical.
c) The furniture is good quality – aids the perception of us being sucessful.
It’s the little things that count in presenting yourself to your market. We do everything we can to create a very positive first impression, because there is no second chance to make a first impression (that’s such a dopey cliche, but it doesn’t stop me from using it!).
And first impressions can be the difference between a sale or no sale.
Hope you have a nice day.

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