You’re not alone

by Brendon on March 31, 2005

In the book Free Agent Nation, as well as in most public opinion surveys, the biggest downside of self employment identified by most people is having to market themselves.
Whilst that’s not good news for you (and probably great news for businesses like mine) it’s completely understandable. But it can be a bit limiting.
Take this web site as an example. Ever since I put this blog on so I could update each day, it’s become increasingly popular (at least x 10 more visitors each day). And the overwhelming feedback I get is it helps that it’s more personal.
A web site we manage starting selling more product when we added profiles on the staff members.
We completed a lot of research for a resort site we manage and found that the visitors wanted names, photos and direct email addresses for the reception staff – the reason? They said it makes it more personal.
Personalising your business could make it more successful. People like to know who they are dealing with. Market yourself and your business will grow more.
Hope you have a good day.
BTW, here’s a pic of me and a close friend. You’ll personally see why I get such great Christmas gifts.

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