Use Stats To Back Up Your Story

by Brendon on September 1, 2005

We use statistics extensively to back up our claims about the benefits of web sites. One of the key areas for us has been quantifying the benefit of a site to clients – if a client can see the $ benefit they can make a decision very easily based on the risk:reward ratio.
What that means for us is more sales.
Who would you choose as your web developer?
a) A guy who quotes you $2,000 for a 10 page web site
b) A guy who quotes you $10,000 for a web site and who shows you how he’ll attract 1,000 visitors a week to your site, how he’ll get your sales conversion rate to 5% and how he’ll generate you $50,000 in profits in the first year alone.
Quantify, quantify, quantify. When you do it makes the buying decision so much easier.

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