Here’s A Frustrating Part Of Web Work

by Brendon on August 19, 2005

I went to see a client last week about his web site. And it’s the same old typical story.
The client had spent many thousands of dollars on a web site with a web development firm. The search engine optimisation of the site is extremely poor (worse than that, it’s like it’s been set up deliberately to rank poorly – with redirects, poor use of page titles, key word understanding is almost non-existent, etc).
The site gets few visitors and minimal sales.
So then I chat with the client about editing the site to make it visible and indexable by search engines.
2 Things Happen
2 things happen and they always do.
# 1: The initial web developer jumps up and down and recommends that access to the site isn’t given to us.
# 2: The client has only a limited budget to spend on the marketing of their site (this client wasn’t too bad).
Now what happens is I spend 5 hours placating the web developer, reassuring the client and then being second-guessed every step of the way.
And that very soon becomes tiresome, not the ideal client relationship and commercially unviable.
I’ve been around and recognise all of the red flags being tossed up in this situation. So I’ll withdraw our services before we get dragged in to this.

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