Google Do It Again

by Brendon on November 15, 2005

Google have done it again with great free stuff for web developers.
They’ve just released free web analytics which look to be very powerful.
I feel like a Googlelite now – I have Google Talk, Gmail, Analytics, I use Adwords and Adsense.
My home page is personalised courtesy of Google.
I use Google Desktop Search.
I use Blogger (owned by Google) on other sites.
But, on the flip side, I’m using Microsoft Office OneNote and loving it.
Here’s some other stuff I use regulary:
Skype – free and paid for VoiP. I have a New York number as well as my Skype username. I use Skype because I have other people I call on Skype (free calls….and very easily done from my computer).
I need the New York number for our eczema and psoriasis care web site. And I pay 10 Euros for about 10 hours talk time with the account. I try and remember to call mobile/cell phones and home with that.
I use Hot Recorder in conjunction with Skype to record telephone interviews.
I have also just bought another VoiP facility that will hook into our Commander system and we’ll be able to make all outgoing calls over VoiP. That will save the business thousands each year (and the quality is, we’ve seen, better than using Skype).
You can’t tell the difference between the VoiP service from Engin and the ‘normal’ phone line. (The only difference will be the close on $2,000 a year savings we’ll make.)
I use Google Talk regularly as well. That’s 3 VoiP services. Oh my goodness, I’m a complete bloody geek!
I use Bloglines as my aggregator for the blogs I read. Here’s one of the better blogs I read: Jim Boykin’s search blog.
I use Audacity (excellent free audio program) for recording and editing my audio.
Looking at my digital life has me saying thanks to Google. A little sad, but true.

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