With our web site work especially, I ask for the client’s budget. I never used to. But I do now. And I do now because the client gets the best job possible at the best price possible if they give me the budget.
But many clients don’t want to provide a budget because they assume we’ll just charge what that budget is, and make the biggest profit possible.
Here’s 2 great reasons to ask the client for the budget:
1. If they give you their budget, you can structure your proposal to give them as much as possible for their money. Then, if you quote on things they don’t want, they can simply take them off. That way, they might get way more than they thought they could.
2. You need to ensure you don’t spend 10 hours on a proposal for a $20,000 web site for a client who has a budget of $200. That wastes everyone’s time.
Develop the trust of your client. Provide testimonials. Keep in touch. Give guarantees. Do great work.
A big part of business is trust. You won’t grow your business without it.
Ask for the budget – the client will get the best possible job at the best possible rate
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